Arminta Street Elementary Home

students with teacher and principal

About Us

Welcome to Arminta Street Elementary School. On behalf of our staff, we want to welcome you to our campus. We offer a unique learning program that focuses on students individual talents and strengths to build academic success.

children around globe

Our Vision

Arminta’s vision is to instill in each student the lifelong desire to learn and to become socially responsible citizens of the world. We are committed to making our students college and career ready by providing a risk free and academically rich environment that is also culturally and environmentally responsive. We value the pursuit of lifelong learning and are dedicated to nurturing high self-esteem and respect for others. Our ultimate goal is to empower each student to achieve their greatest potential both in and out of the classroom.

News & Announcements


We Are One

This presentation is designed to inform families on the process and procedures LAUSD strives to follow if Federal immigration officials, including Immigration and Customs Enforcement (“ICE”) agents or designees, request access to a school site or District Facility, student, or student records.

Esta presentación está diseñada para informar a las familias sobre el proceso y los procedimientos que LAUSD se esfuerza por seguir si los funcionarios federales de inmigración, incluidos los agentes del Servicio de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas (“ICE”) o personas designadas, solicitar acceso a un sitio escolar o instalación del distrito, estudiante o registros de estudiantes.

Food Menu

LAUSD has now made our daily breakfast and lunch menus available online. Click on the attached link below.

LAUSD ahora ha puesto a disposición en línea nuestros menús diarios de desayuno y almuerzo. Haga clic en el adjunto a continuación.
air quality control node

Climate Awareness

Arminta Elementary has officially become part of the global data-base for climate awareness!


Feb 12

Workshop (Making Parents a Pleasure) Haga de la Familia un-Placer)

Time: 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM
Location: Parent Center / Centro de Padres

Feb 13


Time: 8:30 AM – 9:30 AM

Feb 17


Time: 8 AM – 9 AM

Feb 19

WORKSHOP ( Making Parents a Pleasure ) Taller de Padres ( Haga de la Familia un Placer)

Time: 8 AM – 9 AM
Location: Parent Center / Centro de Padres
Arminta Eagles Are Ready To Change The World!